jueves, 11 de mayo de 2017

Do what you LOVE what you do

Hey you! Just wanted to remember you few couple of things, all right? First, remember how much you love to grow and evolve in life by learning and flowing through new experiences. A(lmost)lways in a chaotic -unforgettable- way, full of unknown and magic adventures. 

It's so simple. Anything in life is gonna change your perspective, so just go out there, take a look around, be curious, step by step figure out who you are and what you want. Easy peasy! Happiness is the secret of all beauty, just be you ;) Do what you love and love what you do <3 

Life is a gift. Experience is the beauty ;)

Many many thanks/gracias to all contributors to my life, specially that tree and that night (106-9)

PS. You are the only owner of your own fucking life, the only responsible of making it so fucking awesome. Got it?

PS2. All right, got it ;) Thanks CS for your help, you're great! Compartir es viure i viure es estimar ;)

viernes, 5 de mayo de 2017


Live light,
travel light,
spread the light, 
be the light.

Aunque brilles por tu ausencia, me has dejado una gran luz que siempre me guía, y algunos focos de referencia y calidez de oro que también ayudan mucho ;) G R A C I A S

PS. Happy birthday!